Sunday 4 December 2011

Exercise 43: Juxtaposition

The idea for this exercise was to use Juxtaposition to illustrate a book cover of our choosing.  Juxtaposition was explained briefly in the course notes however, I felt I needed more information and how juxtaposition was used in art.

One definition I found which helped quite a bit was:

Definition: Simply stated, juxtaposition means placing things side-by-side. In art this usually is done with the intention of bringing out a specific quality or creating an effect, particularly when two contrasting or opposing elements are used. The viewer's attention is drawn to the similarities or differences between the elements.

While juxtaposition can be used in terms of formal elements - for example, the use of agressive mark-making in contrast to an area of very controlled shading, or an area of crisp detail against something softly handled, it more often refers to concepts or imagery. An artist might juxtapose a machine-made object or urban environment against organic elements of nature, in order to highlight different qualities in the two. Note that the way this is done can dramatically change the meaning: we might regard the machine-made or human-created as representing safety and order against the uncontrollable strength of nature; or we might see the fragility and beauty of nature against the soul-less uniformity of the urban world, depending on the nature of the subjects or images and the way they are presented

Having researched a little more I now understand Juxtaposition a little better.  I now needed to find a book  which I could reproduce.  Having a 2 year old little girl means the book shelves are filled with stories about fairy's,  Princess and the like.  I wanted to keep the image simple as I have been criticised in the past for producing complex images.  In the end I choose a classic fairy tale 'The princess and the pea'.

Photograph 1: Juxtaposition
Canon 5DMk II, Canon EF24-105mm f/4 L IS USM Lens, 105mm, f/13, 1.6s, ISO 125, flash on camera
I hope this image would work as a book cover and I have managed to show juxtaposition.