Tuesday 22 November 2011

Exercise 41: Evidence of action

The brief for this exercise was to produce one image that shows evidence of action that is it can bee seen that something has happened.  The course notes suggest including in the photograph something that has been either broken, or emptied.

I have just returned from a trip to Welney wetland centre Norfolk Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust where a photographed some of the bird life being fed.  I hope this shows some form of evidence of action.

Photograph 1: Evidence of action (Welney Swan feeding)

The second part of this exercise was to find evidence of action in advertising which depict actions that cannot be shown directly.

For example:
Car Insurance

Medical/health Insurance:

Bank accounts:

I have recently purchased a Leica M8 camera and have been researching who uses this type of camera and what type of images they produce.  I found the website of Jason Tanner Human rights abuses in Zimbabwe a british photojournalist currently base in Islamabad, Pakistan.  I think photojournalist epitomises 'evidence of action' entirely.