Wednesday 20 April 2011

Exercise 17: Multiple points

The brief for this exercise was to compile a still life of six to ten objects by starting with one object in the frame and adding more objects until I had a final grouping.  The aim was to produce a final image, which was not obvious and boring and to avoid regular shapes. 
I really struggled with not placing each object to from a regular shape (might be my science background, I like uniformity and sequence).  Once complete the idea was to look for lines that relate each of the objects and any basic shapes that are formed.

I decided to use spices piled on teaspoons and chose the textured background of my wooden table hopefully this would be unfussy but not entirely plain.

Photograph 1:
Canon EF 24-105mm f/4L IS USM, 45.0mm, f/22, 1/6s, ISO3200
I positioned the first spoon over the knot in the wood with the handle pointing toward the corner of the frame to imply direction.

Photograph 2:
Canon EF 24-105mm f/4L IS USM, 45.0mm, f/22, 1/6s, ISO3200
 I then placed the second spoon next the first with the handle toward the opposite corner immediately producing a regular triangle shape (this was proving difficult).

Photograph 3:
Canon EF 24-105mm f/4L IS USM, 45.0mm, f/22, 1/6s, ISO3200
I then added the third spoon deliberately trying not to create a regular shape.  I think I might have produced a square!

Photograph 4:
Canon EF 24-105mm f/4L IS USM, 45.0mm, f/22, 1/6s, ISO3200
I wanted to fill the empty space on the right hand side of the image so placed my fourth spoon there.  I think this works as there seems to be less regular shapes produced (other than those stated).

Photograph 5:
Canon EF 24-105mm f/4L IS USM, 45.0mm, f/22, 1/6s, ISO3200
I was trying really hard not to make regular shapes and placed the fifth spoon pointing toward the top of the frame.

Photograph 6:
Canon EF 24-105mm f/4L IS USM, 45.0mm, f/22, 1/6s, ISO3200
For this last shot I decided to cross a couple of the spoons immediately making a shape.  However, I do like how the eye is drawn to this area of the image because of it.

Photograph 6: Lines that relate the objects and basic shapes formed:

The main shapes I can see are the large central triangle, the pentagon to the left of centre the obvious cross shape and the curved shape to left of frame.

This exercise has taught me the importance of placement of an object in the frame and how it relates to other objects within the image to produce a linked attractive composition.