Monday 16 May 2011

Exercise 23: Rhythms and patterns

Repetition has a peculiar but generally very strong appeal, particularly when it is unfamiliar to the viewer.  Visually, repetition comes across in two ways: as rhythm and as pattern.  The difference between them is that rhythm is to do with movement (it moves the viewers eye across the image).  Pattern is essentially static and has to do with area.

The idea for this exercise was to produce two photographs one showing rhythm the other pattern.

Photograph 1: Rhythm
Canon EF 24-105mm f/4 L IS USM lens, f/18.0, 60.0mm, 1/60s, ISO400
This shot of windows of a building shows rhythm and leads the eye to the tree which in turn breaks the rhythm .

Photograph 2: Pattern
Canon EF 24-105mm f/4 L IS USM lens, f/20.0, 1055.0mm, 1/30s, ISO400
I found this pattern on the side of a building and thought it was interesting has it has slight variations in the 'hieroglyphics'.

I found this aspect of photography extremely difficult to grasp and comprehend and think it shows in these photographs.  I will work on finding rhythm and pattern in my images from now on.